डी.टी.एस.सी 301: दलित राजनीती
DTSC 301: Dalit Politics
क्रेडिट 04
मॉड्यूल1-दलित राजनैतिक विचार।
Module 1. Dalit Political Thought
मॉड्यूल2 –ब्रिटिश भारत मे दलित राजनीति।
Module 2. Dalit Politics during British India
मॉड्यूल 3- आरक्षण नीति और लोकतंत्र।
Module 3. Reservation policy and Democracy
मॉड्यूल4 -अंबेडकर के बाद दलित राजनीति : दलित राजनैतिक दल।
Module 4. Dalit Politics after Ambedkar: Dalit political parties
संदर्भ ग्रंथ सूची :-
1. Ambedkar, B.R. (1992).Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches. Bombay: Education Department, Government of Maharashtra. Vol. 1 to 21.
2. Biswas, Oneil. (2001). Dalits after Partition. Delhi: Bluemoon Books.
3. Gore, M.S. (1993). The social context of an Ideology: Ambedkar’s political and Social Thought. Delhi: Sage.
4. Gupta, S.K. (1985). The Scheduled Castes in Modern Indian Politics: Their Emergence as a Political Power. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
5. Louis, Prakash. (2003). Political Sociology of Dalit assertion. Delhi: Gyan Publishing House.
6. Michael, S.M.(Ed.). (1999). Dalits in Modern India. Delhi: Vistar Publications.
7. Omvedt, Gail. (1994). Dalits and the Democratic Revolution: Dr. Ambedkar and the Dalit movement in Colonial India. Delhi: Sage.
8. Omvedt, Gail. (1995). Dalit Visions. Delhi: Orient Longman.
9. Omvedt, Gail. ‘Reservation in the Private Sector’ The Hindu, 22 January 2001.
10.Rodrigues, V. (Ed.). (2002). The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
11. Shah, Ghanshyam. (Ed.). (2001). Dalit Identity and Politics. Delhi: Sage.
12.Sarkar, Sumit. (1983). Modern India 1885-1947. Delhi: MacMillan.
13.Yadav, K.C. (Ed.). (2000). From Periphery to Centre Stage: Ambedkar, Ambedkarism and Dalit Future. Delhi: Manohar.
14. Zelliot, Eleanor (1996). From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.